CBSE Class 9 - Biology - CH 7 Diversity In Living Organisms - Very Short Questions and Answers


Very Short Question Answers

Q1: Who introduced the system of scientific nomenclature of organisms?

Answer: Carolus Linnaeus

Q2: In which Kingdom, an organism does not have a well defined nucleus and organelles?

Answer: Monera

Q3: In the hierarchy of classification, which group will have the largest number of organisms?

Answer: Kingdom

Q4: Which in your opinion is more basic characteristic for classifying organism. The place where they live in or the kind of cells they are made of?

Answer: Cell Design (Kinds of cells make an organism.)

Q5: Give examples of the organisms that have cilia and flagellum for moving around.

Answer: Paramecium (Cilia) and Euglena (Flagellum)

Q6: In the hierarchy of classification, which group will have the smallest number of organisms and a maximum number of similar characteristics?

Answer: Species

Q7: Name the substance which makes the cell wall of fungi. 

Answer: Chitin (tough complex sugars)

Q8: Name a symbiotic life form that grows on the bark of a tree as large, coloured patches.

Answer: Lichens

Q9: In which kingdom would you place an organism which is unicellular, eukaryotic and photosynthetic?

Answer: Protista

Q10: What is the primary characteristic on which the first division of organisms is made?

Answer: Cell Structure and Design

Q11: What is the mode of nutrition in Mushroom?

Answer: Saprophytic mode of nutrition

Q12: Eichler classified the plant kingdom into two sub-kingdoms. Name the two sub kingdoms.

Answer: Cryptogam and Phanerogamae.

Q13: Name the kingdom which includes the simplest form of eukaryotes.

Answer: Protista

Q14: Do Protozoans have eyes?

Answer: No, they do not have eyes. However Euglena (a protozoan) has an eye-spot which is sensitive to light.

Q15: Name the simplest of plants that do not have a well-differentiated body design.

Answer: Thallophyta

Q16: Which division of plants are often called amphibians of the plant kingdom?

Answer: Bryophyta

Q17: Woese introduced by dividing the Monera kingdom into two sub-kingdoms. Name the two?

Answer: Archaebacteria and Eubacteria

Q18: Write the name of the group of plants, which produces seeds, but not fruits. 

Answer: Gymnosperms

Q19: Amar, Ujala and Anara wrote the scientic name of mango as follows. Who wrote it correctly.

  Amar - Mangifera Indica
  Ujala - Mangifera indica
  Anara - mangifera indica

Answer: Ujala - Mangifera indica

Q20: Algae belongs to which division of Plantae?

Answer: Thallophyta

Q21: Name the three divisions of Plantae that have inconspicuous reproductive organs. What are their seeds called?

Answer: Thallophyta, Bryophyta and Pteridophyta. Seeds are called spores.

Q22: Name the two groups of Plantae that are commonly called phanerogams.

Answer: Gymnosperms and angiosperms

Q23: Identify the division of Plantae having following characteristics:

i.   Seeds not enclosed within fruit.
ii.  Flowers represented as cones (unisexual)
iii. Ovules not located in ovary.

Answer: Gymnosperms

Q24: Identify plant group which has parallel venation, scattered vascular bundles, flower petals/parts in multiple of three, fibrous roots.

Answer: Monocots

Q25: Identify the plant groups which has net like veins in leaves, flower parts in group of fours or fives, vascular bundles are in a ring and two seed leaves.

Answer: Dicots.

Q26: Give two examples of Bryophyta plants?

Answer: moss (Funaria) and Marchantia

Q27: Give two examples of Pteridophyes

Answer: Marsilea, ferns and horse-tails

Q28: Pines and Deodar belong to which group of Plants?

Answer: Gymnosperms.

Q29: Sunflower, Maize, Wheat and Pea belong to which group of plants?

Answer: Angiosperms

Q30: Identify which of the following are monocots and dicots:
 garlic, onion, tomatoes, corn, peppers, potatoes, wheat, beans

Answer: Monocots -  garlic, onion, corn, wheat
 Dicots   -  tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, beans

Q31: Minimal body design, have holes which lead to canal system that helps in circulating water, marine habitat. Which division of Animalia it refers to?

Answer: Porifera

Q32: Hydra, Jelly Fish, corals belog to which group of animals?

Answer: Coelenterata

Q33: Commonly called flatworm, bilateral symmetrical, acoelomates are the features of which animal division?

Answer: Platyhelminthes

Q34: Filarial worms, (Ascaris)round worms, (Wuchereria)pin worms belong to which group of animalia?

Answer: Nematodes

Q35: Which is the largest group of animals?

Answer: Arthopoda

Q36: Identify the Animalia group having following features:
i. jointed legs
ii. bilaterally symmetrical segmented body
iii. blood filled body cavity (open circulatory system)

Answer: Arthopoda

Q37: Which worms cause elephantiasis. Name the group it belongs to?

Answer: Filarial worms. Group is Nematodes

Q38: Give three examples of organisms that are arthopods.

Answer: Honey bees, Spiders, Prawns and Centipedes

Q39: Give three examples of Molluscs

Answer: Chiton, mussel, Pila and octopus.

Q40: What type of circulatory system do Molluscs have?

Answer: Open circulatory system.

Q41: Spiny skin, marine, triploblastic coelomates having water-driven tube system for locomotion. What type of group are we talking of?

Answer: Echinodermata

Q42: Give three examples of animals belong to Echinodermata

Answer: Sea urchin, star fish, sea cucumber

Q43: Give three examples of Protochordata animals.

Answer: Balanoglossus, Herdemania and Amphioxus

Q44: What is the main basis of differentiation between vertebrates and non-vertebrates?

Answer: notochord and dorsal nerve cord.

Q45: Cold blooded, two chamber heart, stream lined body, scales on skin, gills present, aquatic life. Which group of vertebrates are we referring to?

Answer: Pisces

Q46: Ambibian heart is divided into how many chambers?

Answer: Three

Q47: Name the fish which is entirely made of cartilage.

Answer: Sharks

Q48: Name the fish having skeleton made of both bone and cartilage.

Answer: Tuna, rohu

Q49: No scales on skin, mucus glands on skin, three chambered heart, respiration through gills, lungs and skin, oviparous, live on land and in water. Name the group of these vertebrates.

Answer: Amphibia

Q50: Give three examples of Amphibians.

Answer: Frogs, toads and salamanders

Q51: Snakes, turtles, lizards and crocodiles belong to which category of vertebrates?

Answer: Reptilia

Q52: Name a reptile which has four chambered heart.

Answer: Crocodile.

Q53: What changes are evolved in limbs of aves?

Answer: Forelimbs are evolved into wings for flight. Hind limbs are modified for walking, perching and swimming.

Q56: Give three examples of flightless birds.

Answer: Ostrich, Emu, Penguin, Kiwi

Q57: Four Chambered heart, mostly viviparous, skin covered with hairs, skin contains sweat and oil glands, four chambered heart. Which category of vertebrates are we talking about?

Answer: Mammalia

Q58: Give examples of egg laying mammals

Answer:  platypus and echidna

Q59: Give an example of marsupial mammal

Answer: Kangaroo

Q60: Give an example of mammal that can fly.

Answer: Bat

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