CBSE Class 9 - Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life - Question Bank


CBSE Class 9 - Cell - Fundamental Unit of Life - Question Bank
Plant Cell

Q1: Who observed the cells first time?

Q2: Define Cell

Q3: Who proposed the cell theory?

Q4: Who expanded cell theory by suggesting that all cells arise from pre-existing cells?

Q5: In which year electron microscope was invented?

Q6: Name the book in which Robert Hooke published his observations about cork cells.

Q7: Who discovered nucleus in the cell?

Q8: Name the two postulates of the cell theory.

Q9: Who coined the term 'protoplasm'?

Q10: Name the largest cell?

Q11: Name the world's smallest cell.

Q12: Name the smallest cell in human body.

Q13: Name the biggest cell in human body.

Q14: Name the longest cell in human body.

Q15: Name the cell in human body which cannot reproduce.

Q16: Give an example of anucleate cell i.e. cell without nucleus.

Q17: Give an example of cells containing two nuclei (Bi-nucleate).

Q18: Give examples of cells which are multinucleate (i.e. having many nuclei).

Q19: What is the plasma membrane composed of?

Q20: Who proposed fluid mosaic model of cell or plasma membrane?

Q21: Is plasma membrane permeable or selectively permeable?

Q22: What are different types transports of components across cell membrane?

Q23: Define Passive Transport.

Q24: What is diffusion?

Q25: Define Osmosis. What are different types of osmosis? Give examples of osmosis.

Q26: What happens to a cell (plant cell or animal cell) when placed in the following solutions:

      (a) Hypotonic solution
      (b) Isotonic solution
      (c) Hypertonic solution

Q27: What is plasmolysis?

Q28: Place a deshelled egg in water for five minutes. What do you observe?
(Note: De‐shelled egg means, the shell of an egg is removed by dissolving it in dilute hydrochloric acid. The shell is mostly calcium carbonate. A thin outer skin now encloses the egg.)

Q29: What will happen if a de‐shelled egg in a concentrated salt solution for 5 minutes?

Q30 (CBSE): Put dried raisins in plain water and leave them for some time. Then place them in concentrated solution of sugar or salt. What do you observe in both cases?

Q31: What would happen if the plasma membrane ruptures or breaks down?

Q32: What do you mean by Endocytosis? How does an Amoeba obtain its food?

Q33: Define Exocytosis.

Q34: Why are Lysosomes known as suicide bags?

Q35: Viruses are
  (a) Uni cellular micro‐organisms
  (b) Bi‐Cellular micro‐organisms
  (c) Multi‐cellular micro‐organisms
  (d) Non‐cellular micro‐organisms

Q36: Who is known as Father of Biology?

Q37: Who discovered Golgi apparatus?

Q38: Which cell organelle is known as "protein factory"?

Q39: What is the energy currency of the cell called?

Q40: When chromosomes are visible in the nucleus?

Q41: Which of the following is NOT involved in the synthesis of proteins?

     (a) rough ER (b) smooth ER
     (c) Golgi body (d) ribosomes

Q42: Which of the following one distinguishes plant cells from animal cells?
     (a) centrioles (b) nucleus
     (c) chromaĕn (d) rough ER

Q43: Are plastids present in all cells? What are its types?

Q44: Name the sac like structure which form the grana?

Q45: What are the conditions for osmosis?

Q46: Will the temperature have any effect on the process of the osmosis?

Q47: What is osmoregulation?

Q48: Which organ of the plant body helps in osmoregulation?

Q49: Which organelle of the cell in animals helps in osmoregulation?

Q50 What are centrosomes? What functions do they perform?

Q51: Who is known as 'Father of Microscopy'?

Q52: Are Viruses Prokaryote or Eukaryote?

Q53: Which cell organelle is called "kitchen of plant"?

Q54: Which cell organelle is called 'control center'?

Q55: Which cell organelle is called 'transport system'?

Q55: What is Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)? Name its types?

Q56: What are the functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)?

Q57: Name the components nucleus?

Q58: What is the function of nucleoplasm?

Q59: How chromatic network is related to chromosomes?

Q60: What are chromosomes?

Q61: What is the full form of DNA and RNA?

Q62: Who discovered Virus?

Q63: What are the functions of nucleus?

Q64: Why can't single cells grow very large? Or Big organisms like human beings are muli‐cellular?Why can't such big organisms be a single large cell?

Q65(NTSE Stage2): Which of the following is an example of a single cell that does not function as a full-fledged organism?

(a) White blood cells (WBC) (b) Amoeba
(c) WBC and Amoeba (d) Paramecium

Q66: Why do vegetable vendors (subzi‐walla) regularly sprinkle water on the vegetables in their baskets?

Q67: Why do we stain cells while observing under microscope? List commonly used stains.

Q68: Are there any exceptions to cell theory proposed by Schleiden & Schwann and Virchow? If yes, what are those?

Q69: What is the thickness of cell membrane?

Q70: Why are mitochondria absent in red blood cells?

Q71: Name the cell organelles which their own DNA and Ribosomes.

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