CBSE Class 9 - Science - CH 12 Sound (MCQs)


Q1: Which of the following waves do not require any kind of medium to propagate?

(a) Sound
(b) Earthquake waves
(c) Light waves
(d) Water surface waves

Q2: Waves produced on the surface of water are:

(a) Longitudinal only
(b) Transverse waves only
(c) Electromagnetic Waves
(d) Both Longitudinal and Transversal

Q3: Propagation of wave transfers:

(a) energy only
(b) matter only
(c) both energy and matter
(d) none of these

Q4: In longitudinal waves, the particles vibrate in a ___________ direction of propagation

(a) parallel
(b) perpendicular
(c) curved
(d) both parallel and perpendicular

Q5: A medium transmits a sound wave by virtue of its?

(a) elasticity
(b) inertia
(c) density
(d) both inertia and elasticity

Q6: The number of oscillations completed in one second is called _________.

(a) time period
(b) velocity
(c) frequency
(d) wavelength

Q7: What type of sound waves can propagate in solids ?

(a) Longitudinal only
(b) Transverse only
(c) Either longitudinal or transverse
(d) Non mechanical waves only

Q8:The time taken to complete one oscillation is called _________.

(a) time period
(b) velocity
(c) frequency
(d) wavelength

Q9: The period of a vibrating body of frequency 100Hz is

(a) 100 second
(b) 10 second
(c) 0.1 second
(d) 0.01 second

Q10: The SI unit of wavelength is

(a) metre
(b) s-1
(c) metre/second
(d) Hertz

Q11: The quantity 1/λ is known as

(a) wave velocity
(b) frequency
(c) wavelength
(d) wave number

Q12: Sound wave of which of the following frequency is an ultrasonics sound?

(a) 30 Hz
(b) 300 Hz
(c) 3000 Hz
(d) 30,000 Hz

Q13: In which of the following, speed of the sound is maximum:

(a) air
(b) water
(c) steel
(d) kerosene

Q14: When echo is heard ?

(a) If the time interval between original sound and reflected sound is more than 1/10s.
(b) If the time interval between original sound and reflected sound is less 1/10s.
(c) If the tme interval between original sound and reflected sound is less than 1/120s.
(d) If the time interval between original sound and reflected sound is 1/120s


1: (c) Light waves
2: (b) Transverse waves only
3: (a) energy only
4: (a) parallel
5: (c) density
6: (c) frequency
7: (c) Either longitudinal or transverse 
8: (a) time period
9: (d) 0.01 second
10: (a) metre
11: (d) wave number
12: (d) 30000 Hz
13: (c) steel
14: (a) If the time interval between original sound and reflected sound is more than 1/10s.

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