CBSE Class 9: Science - Ch15: Improvement in Food Resources

Improvement in Food Resources

Short Q & A

Q1: What is domestication?

Answer: The keeping and breeding of animals is called domestication.

Q2: What are the major sources of food? Name the commercial practices we perform to obtain  the food.

Answer: Both plants and animals provide us food. Agriculture and animal husbandry are the practices that provide us with all our animal and plant food.

Q3: Name the revolution which led to better and efficient production and availability of milk.

Answer: White revolution.

Q4: Define animal husbandry.

Answer: The scientific management of livestock which deals with the feeding, caring and breeding of
domesticated animals is called animal husbandry.

Q5: Name the programmes executed in India to increase food production.

  • Green Revolution - Foodgrains
  • White Revolution - Milk
  • Blue Revolution - Fish
  • Golden Revolution - Pulses
  • Yellow Revolution - Vegetable Oil

Q6: What are the various crops seasons in India?

Answer: The three crop seasons are:
  1. Kharif (rainy) crops season. - June to October
  2. Rabi (winter) crops season. - October to March
  3. Zaid 9summer) crops season - March to June

Q7:  Name the approaches used to enhance crop yield.

Answer: Various approaches to enhance crop yield are:
  1. Management of crop production
  2. Crop improvement through genetic manipulation and hybridization.

Q8: What are milch animals?

Answer: Milk producing animals are called milch (or dairy) animals.

Q9: What are draught animals?

Answer: Animals used for farm labour are called draught animals.

Q10: What is broiler?

Answer: Poultry reared for obtaining meat is called broiler.

Q11: Give examples of cereals that give us carbohydrates.

Answer: Wheat, rice, millets, maize etc.

Q12: Name some pulses that give us proteins.

Answer: Protein rich pulses are: gram, pea, lentils etc.

Q13: Give examples of oilseeds that provide us fats.

Answer: Soyabean, sesame, sunflower, mustard, linseed etc.

Q14: Give examples of fodder crops.

Answer: Oats or Sudan grass, berseem, guinea grass

Q15: Name the biotic factors that affect on crop production.

Answer: Diseases, nematodes, insects are the biotic factors that reduce crop production.

Q16: Name the nutrients that plants take from air?

Answer: Carbon and Oxygen

Q17(CBSE 2010): From where do plants acquire the following nutrients?
(i) Nitrogen
(ii) Hydrogen 

Answer: (i) Nitrogen is obtained from Soil.
(ii) Hydrogen is obtained from water.

Q18: List the nutrients that plants absorb from soil.

Answer: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Boron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum and Chlorine

Q19: What are manures?

Answer: Manures are organic materials added to the soil to increase the production of crops.

Q20: What is the full form of IARI?

Answer: Indian Agricultural Research Institute

Q21: What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement?

Answer:  Desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvement are:
  1. Tallness and profuse branching are desirable for fodder crops
  2. Dwarfness is desired in cereals so that they consume less amount of nutrients.

Q22: What are Macro-nutrients?  

Answer: The nutrients that are required in large quantities by plants are called macro-nutrients.

Q23: List examples of Macro-nutrients for plants?

Answer: The six macro-nutrients are: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulphur.

Q24: List the seven micro-nutrients taken by plants?

Answer: Seven micro-nutrients (required in small quantities) are: iron, boron, manganese, zinc, copper, molybdenum, and chlorine.

Q25: Based on kinds of biological material used, how many types of manures are there?

Answer: Types of manures based on biological material are:
  1. Farm yard manure
  2. Compost manure
  3. Green Manure

Q26: What are fertilizers? Give two examples.

Answer: Fertilizers commercially prepared to supply plant nutrients are called fertilizers. Urea, Triple superphosphate, ammonium sulphate are examples of fertilizers.

Q27: Out of manures and fertilizers, which one is nutrient specific?

Answer: Fertilizers.

Q28: What is the most common source of  irrigation in India?

Answer: Rains

Q29: Give examples of commonly used irrigation systems in our country?

Answer: Commonly used irrigation systems are:
  • Wells - Tubewells
  • Ponds
  • Canals
  • Underground water system (e.g. tanks)
  • River Lift system

Q30: What is vermicompost?

Answer: The compost prepared by the help of earthworms to decompose plants and animal refuse is called vermi-compost.

See you tube video about Organic Compost: 

Q31: Manures are useful for short term benefits or long-term benefits?

Answer: For long term benefits.

Q32: Fertilizers are useful for short term benefits or long-term benefits?

Answer: short term benefits.

Q33:  What is organic farming?

Read nice article on fertilizers by
Tamilnadu Agriculutral University
Answer: It is a farming method in which there is minimal or no use chemicals such as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc. (Read more about organic farming)

Q34: What is the full form of NPK?

Answer: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium

Q35: What is lodging?

Answer: The falling of mature crops due to untimely irrigation or rains or by the action of strong winds is called lodging.

Q36: What is mixed cropping?

Answer: Growing two or more than two crops together in the same piece of agricultural land is called mixed cropping.

Q37: Give examples of mixed cropping?

  1. Wheat + gram
  2. Groundnut + sunflower
  3. Soyabean + pigeon pea

Q38:  Define inter-cropping.

Answer: When When two or more than two crops are sown together in the same field but in a definite patter, it is called inter-cropping.

Q39: Give examples of inter-cropping.

  1. Soyabean + maize
  2. Millets + Cowpea

Learn about biological Crop Protection (more effective than using pesticides):

Q40: Name the two common weeds of wheat and rice crop.

Answer: Amaranthus, Cyperus rotundus and Chenopodium

Q41: What are weeds?  

Answer: Weeds are unwanted plant species growing in the domesticated crops. The noxious weeds are harmful, adversely affecting crop productivity, causing health hazards in humans and animals and
lowering fish production.

Q42: Give examples of Pesticides

Answer: Common examples of Pesticides are:
  1. DDT
  2. BHC
  3. Warfarin
  4. Malathion

Q43:  Give examples of fumigants.

Answer: Common fumigants  used are:
  1. Ammonium Phosphide
  2. Methyl Bromide
  3. Ethylene DiBromide
  4. Chloropicrin

Q44: Give examples of two major weeds that grow during Kharif season.

Answer: Nutgrass and Wild sorghum

(In progress...)

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