Political Science - CH1 - Power Sharing
Political Science - CH2 - Federalism (Q & A) 
Political Science - CH3 - Democracy and Diversity (NCERT Chapter Solutions)
Political Science - CH4 - Gender, Religion & Caste  (MCQs)
Political Science - CH5 - Popular Struggles and Movements
Political Science - CH6 - Political Parties (MCQs)
Political Science - CH6 - Political Parties (Q & A) 
Political Science - CH6 - Political Parties (Q & A)
Political Science - CH8 - Challenges to Democracy (Q & A) 

History - CH2 - The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China
History - CH3 - Nationalism in India
History - Ch7 Print Culture and the Modern World (MCQs)
History - The age of Industrialisation (Q & A)
History - The Age of Industrialisation (MCQs)
Modern Indian History(GK Quiz-8) 
History - Rise of Nationalism in Europe (Important Terms)

Geography - Ch1- Resources and Development(Q & A)
Geography - Ch1 - Resources and Development (MCQs)
Geography - Ch2 - Forest and Wildlife Resources (MCQs from SA1 Exam.)
Geography - Ch3 - Water Resources (MCQs) 
Geography - Ch4 - Agriculture (MCQs) 
Geography - Ch5 - Minerals and Energy Resources 
Geography - Ch6 - Manufacturing Industries(MCQs)
Geography - Ch6 - Manufacturing Industries (Very Short Q & A)
Geography - Ch7 - Lifelines of National Economy (MCQs) 

Economics - Ch1 Development (MCQs) 
Economics - Ch1 Development (MCQs from 2012 Exam)
Economics - Ch2 Sectors of The Indian Economy(MCQs)
Economics - Ch3 Money & Credit
Economics - Ch3 Money and Credit (Short Q & A)
Economics - Globalisation and the Indian Economy
Economics - Globalisation and the Indian Economy(Q & A)
Economics - Consumer rights

Social Science SA1 Sample Question Paper (2011)
Social Science SA1 Sample Question Paper (2012-13) by KVS 
Social Science SA1 Question Paper (Sep 2014)
Social Science SA1 Question Paper (Sep 2016)

SA-II Paper - MCQs asked in Exam
SA-II Value Based Questions
SA-II Sample Q Paper by KVS (2013-2014)
SA-II Sample Q Paper (2015)
SA-II Sample Q Paper With Marking Scheme (2016)

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